
Exhibition Via Sacra from Rocinha in Photos
The eventVia Sacra from Rocinha has been happening since 1992 and it gathers crowds to watch the life, death and resurrection of Christ. This exhibition was performed in association with Creative Favela Circuit and intends to show the relevance of street theater in our community.
This exhibition had 12 photos in its structure and happened in August 8th and 9th, 2015, at "Roupa Suja" square. The curatorship was made by the author photographer Flávio Carvalho. The favela's street theater was the main character in this photos collection.

For 16 years as a garlic salesman.

For 12 years as "empada" salesman.

Sight from "Joãozinho Bazar", near entrance Rua 2 in Rocinha.

For 16 years as a garlic salesman.
Exhibition Street Vendors Yesterday
and Today
Sankofa Museum of Memory and History of Rocinha in partnership with Moreira Salles Institute
supported by C4 Biblioteca Parque da Rocinha (Park Library from Rocinha), presented in May 1st until August 1st, 2014. This exhibition was celebrating Labor Day. and happened in Library’s second floor.
The exhibition was inspired by Marc Ferrez’s centenary photographic work in contraposition with Flávio’s images from Rocinha nowadays. These both picture selection is a photographic work of art and a result of historical research in Rocinha. This exhibition is very important to social Brazilian memory.

The happiest fish vendor from the fair. He saw me and ask: “take my picture, please”. The photographer can’t refuse this so charismatic request. He held the fish on his hands and opened a big smile.

Mom, holding her birthday cake.

Me hidden in my bedroom expressing my comic way.

The happiest fish vendor from the fair. He saw me and ask: “take my picture, please”. The photographer can’t refuse this so charismatic request. He held the fish on his hands and opened a big smile.
Popular Click
On January 31st, 2014, Friday, at 7 pm, the photographic exhibition Popular Click took place, inC4 Rocinha Park Library (Park Library from Rocinha), and you could visit it until April 8th. You watched 40 images that had been the result of workshops with the awarded documentary photographerJoão Roberto Ripper who created Click Popular project. These workshops were accomplished byDona Rosa Films, sponsored by CEG, Cultural Secretary of State from Rio de Janeiro and coordinated by photographer Mariana Marinho.
The classes had people in their 18 and 60 years old who learned about photographic History through documentation exercises, studying some photographer's work and reference authors under non-academic point of view. The students also learned how to edit in appropriate software and went out with their cameras trying to produce authorial images. This exercises motivated even who didn’t know what was aperture size.

Every day, after school schedule, my class, from Escola Municipal Lúcia Miguel Pereira, got together and played soccer next where we studied. Angelo, Márcio, Bruno Thamillys, Alex, Ramon and I played until very late in the afternoon. Few friends stayed until the end, but some kept playing. I was the worse player, because of that they’ve never chosen me for the first match, so I had to play the next match.

A specific place in Rocinha.

Every day, after school schedule, my class, from Escola Municipal Lúcia Miguel Pereira, got together and played soccer next where we studied. Angelo, Márcio, Bruno Thamillys, Alex, Ramon and I played until very late in the afternoon. Few friends stayed until the end, but some kept playing. I was the worse player, because of that they’ve never chosen me for the first match, so I had to play the next match.
If it was me
Who asked the first question? Who made the world? If it was God, who made God? Who said the first word?
These questions, and much more, made by the writer Clarice Lispector in her text “I’m a question” was the beginning to motivate us to create more questions about ourselves. The result was the exhibition that you will see here.
These images presented in this exhibition, with opening in December 21st, 2013 until April 29th, 2014, are self-portraits taken in artisanal photographic workshop coordinated by Hand in the Can project invited byMoreira Salles Institute in partnership with C4 Rocinha Park Library (Park Library from Rocinha). What is a pinhole? What is a self-portrait. These questions can be asked by Clarice Lispector or by yourself.

Rocinha Northeastern
Retelling stories from their parents and grandparents, four young guys, northeastern descendants, join to register their community nowadays. They had chosen the photographic language to tell this poetic story.
This solo exhibition at Gonzagueando, opened on June 29th, 2013, inKnowledge Square (Knowledge Square), is a short photo selection of northeaster cultural and tradition that are hidden in our rush and careless that you can see in the actual Rocinha freneticism. The oldest’s wrinkle who holds his guitar, this image sends you to the countryside; The sunday bean's recipe that your mother learned from your granny and it will only work if she uses all that reminiscences surrounded her. Like that hick custom which was waiting for the traditional party in the church to come to life.

Curva do S is a secific place in Rocinha.

First Artistic Presentation FavelaDaRocinha.com
This solo photographic exhibition from Fotografando a FavelaDaRocinha.com group in I Mostra Artística FavelaDaRocinha.com (First Artistic Presentation FavelaDaRocinha.com) presented some images that belong to the members inGávea Planetarium. The art show that was part of ecological event Rio+20, was a partnership between Rocinha’s artists, the website FavelaDaRocinha.com, the singer Leoni and Planetário da Gávea.
Beside that exhibition, the Presentation had the presence of some Rocinha’s group artists like:Rocinha Arts House,Joilson Pinheiro and little kids poems from Rocinha, graffiti artistWark, theater groupFavelado Cultural Band,Wake up Capoeira,DJ School Spin from Rocinha, dance break groupGBCR, rappers Guilherme Rimas and MC Oz and singer Michele Castro.

Permanent Exhibition Rocinha's Windows
The exhibition Rocinha’s Windows had happened when the C4 Biblioteca Parque da Rocinha (Park Library from Rocinha) was opened on June 4th, 2012. The art show had five landscapes from Rocinha and they were framed by windows. The images were made by Fotografando a FavelaDaRocinha.com group. The concept was to create the local point of views from who lives there, wondering that the photographer was watching the view inside one of those Rocinha's houses.